Wednesday, 19 October 2016


Photo from,



话说阿豪一心想要离开敬爱的大妈国,离开烦杂,过上几天relax生活。 你可千万别怪大妈,给不了阿豪简单平静的生活。大妈的用心有谁明了?大妈就是强,就是大,才可以保护阿豪健康的成长。二来,阿豪也想过过手瘾,在没有大妈管家的监视下,努力且真心的想为给南洋国经济出份绵力。当然,南洋岛对大妈人的善行绝对是无任欢迎了,多多益善。




两人也大步的往“你胳膊”前进。阿豪就是阿豪,作风完全就是柜姐的最爱,花不上20分钟就选好了。满脸喜悦的柜姐问说“先生,需要办退税吗?” 你在开玩笑吗,阿豪耶!你以为是阿猫阿狗吗?(其实毛狗也很可爱的)阿豪冷冷的回说“不了。。。” 这时,阿包又一惊,赶紧照顾一下大哥,温情提醒阿豪外地人是可以免税的。“也不才7%,阿豪我是来贡献社会,帮助经济的也。” 柜姐心里咒骂阿包多事,面依然带着笑容说“没关系,先生。如果有雅致,您可以在机场弄;如果嫌麻烦,那就算了。可以吗?我这就去办。” 下一秒柜姐就不见了,别担心,这不是鬼故事,只是柜姐效率好。阿包心存感动,世界上竟然会有这么好的人*乐富油*


阿包握着左心房,随着阿豪离开去吃饭。吃饭时,阿包因惊吓过度,久久不能回神。吃了什么:不详;多少大元:不详;谁买单:不是阿包就对了。你可能会说阿包没见过世面,大惊小怪。是啊,因为阿包身边都是脚踏实地过着朴素生活的人,从来没有看过如此撒手买东西的人。 阿豪确实是阿包的第一个。





Saturday, 8 October 2016

I want a rich papa AND/OR mama!

Yes 兜巴星was born. So what is next? 

Don't doubt, just anticipate and follow the pace of light speed 3 x 10^6 m/s that will bring you the other side of the world... 
Yeah man, we are playing tricks just like what girls like to do, as always. *wink*

There we go... 
Thanks to the merge of superstar Nathan Hartono that gives me this idea. *ting ting*

When every 凡人 is inspired at how well NH can sing like a ABC, how good he can represent his country, how handsome he is like Jay Chou, bla bla bla... 真凡人的想法. 

This is what 兜巴星 thinks instead:
1. WOW that bloody family background! How many of us can have a papa of Managing Director of XXX and a mama of Senior Vice President of YYY? Please try to Google the name of your papa and mama and see what you get. Most importantly let me know ONLY if you find and let's be friend, I beg you...

2. Who can pursuit DREAMS? Everyone! But who can pursuit DREAMS smoothly? Please pray to a rich papa and mama. Yes I must admit that I am so damn jealous... 

3, Compared to gas & oil / banking industry, lifestyle business is now the trend. Inspired by NH's papa and mama, we can dig money out from lifestyle. Despite of starvation and hardship in old times, we are now leading a modern poverty where everyone is leading a boring life and our souls are so empty. Lucky one can get to work 9 to 5; unfortunate one use your labour in return for money. We end up having cash in hand, but we are more lonely than ever. Then it kicks in the need for lifestyle that comfort your hollow soul. *ka ching ka ching ba bling ba bling*

Photo from online:

4. Milo, yes free marketing, but 兜巴星 cant help to ask "aint you trying too hard to 沾光"? People simply mentioned about iced Milo and the next minute you sponsor the drink. It makes me wonder what other Nestle products you can offer, more expensive one please. Or maybe by chance you have my fav teh peng? What really makes my jaw drops on the floor and drags for 3 streets far is to see the cheapo long queue for iced Milo. For god sake, you never have Milo before?

5. Hello NH, we have similarity when we use England - China at the same time. Just that your England is better. 

So, 凡人们, do we have alike mind?

Welcome to the family. CLICK follow +1, thank you!