Tuesday, 18 July 2017

... lost journey......

When it comes to a stage of life, the question they most people will ask, and even your boss will ask during interview, is what is your plan for future?

Who knows about future?
      No one, with the exception of fortune tellers. *wink*

Do you know how the world with change over years?
Do you know what you are good at, if not your mother told you so?
Do you know what you want in the next 5 years, or even next year or next month?
      If you do, you are indeed lucky. Most of us don't.

Education should serve as a platform to prepare us to be ready for the world. However, it now seems more like an obstacle. Why? This is because we exploit the carefree study time (at least a decade) for the sake of the build of our comfort zone. 

Just because everyone goes to school and I don't want to be indifferent. Just because everyone wants a better grade and so I have to, too. No one literally tells us we can go impress girls/boys in school. No one tells us we should always learn from relationship, what I mean here is boy-girl kinda relationship. No one tells us it is a perfect time to make mistake and learn to stand up again. 

This education system molds us in such a way if you can do well in study, continue with your tertiary pursuit, no other way, and make sure you complete it. Well, neither Mark Zuckerberg nor Steve Job did that. This education system makes us rigid, scare to lose out, afraid of trying and eventually losing more in term of sense of humor and creativity. Once we complete the course, we are like a ship without captain, suddenly lost of direction.

What can we do next? To restore the stability, we find a job in big company, taking salary every month and hoping not to get sacked.

Is this what you want for future? Does it sound exciting to you, at all???
      If YES, God bless.
      If NO, don't worry mate you are not alone, we are equally lost.

Am I being pessimistic?
      Yes I am, because I think I am more than that. But I don't know what I want... *not a shame to admit*

So, why not we just take a couple of minutes off, sit down and think for ourselves? Just for ourselves. I mean, self.  

Saturday, 8 July 2017



Pic from http://infolibre.com.ar/descubren-sistema-solar-siete-planetas-la-tierra/



这时候的兜巴星识相的把光芒让给了太阳。当主角归队,配角们要自动的退到阴暗处,让太阳发光发热。星星也得懂得如何做人的ok? 做星星还真累。。。。。。经过几次轰轰烈烈的行星撞兜巴星,本星学会了角色扮演的重要性。这一次,兜巴星一直都在拿捏分寸,观察着整个公转模式。





Saturday, 24 December 2016

What a good way to celebrate Christmas Eve!

When everyone is busy for Christmas Eve, the lonely you have 兜巴星 here with you to spend a boring night.

Pic from http://scitechdaily.com/curing-boredom/ 

A boring night, a boring topic. Perfect match!

Ok try to rank/answer these boring questions to find out how boring you are tonight.

What get you most angry?
1. You realize button sequence is wrong when you come to the last button
2. Wash toilet
3. See lots of the hair fall (long) on the floor when cleaning
4. Phone drops and screen breaks. *Kikapoo*
5. Overslept for work
6. Internet poor connection / slow PC
7. No charger when laptop or phone low battery
8. Double blue tick and no reply
9. Listen to nonsense
10. Traffic jam
11. Take off all clothes and forget to turn on heater
12. Cold water during shower (5 sec before it gets heated up)
13. Finishing toothpaste

What is exciting?
1. Found new eating places
2. Discover nice old songs/bands
3. Prank friends
4. Free day at work
5. In love
6. Fight couple
7. Speeding
8. Shopping
9. Gaming
10. Sleeping

What worth a good sleep instead?
1. Lecture
2. Traffic jam
4. Shopping
5. Fight
6. Cinema
7. Musical concert
8. Candy Crush
9. Karaoke
10. Travel

What is noise?
1. HDB constrution
2. Chinese tourists
3. Domestic workers gathering during weekend
4. Clubbing
5. Parents' nag
6. Girlfriend's nag
7. TV
8. Morning alarm

What makes you anticipate for next year?
1. Money
2. Love
3. Career *Please look back at #1*
4. Health
5. New opportunity
6. Simply wanna end this year
7. Follow the trend

Okay this is boring.
Tell me what is yours! Comment below and like...

Sunday, 6 November 2016

知名度 vs 影响度

今天我们探讨的是有深度的话题。如果你的想法不够深,请按 next。







Picture from http://fart.watch/ 



Follow and like me!

Wednesday, 19 October 2016


Photo from http://jin.sokutu.com/tupian.html,http://www.yuelvxing.com/post/5408/



话说阿豪一心想要离开敬爱的大妈国,离开烦杂,过上几天relax生活。 你可千万别怪大妈,给不了阿豪简单平静的生活。大妈的用心有谁明了?大妈就是强,就是大,才可以保护阿豪健康的成长。二来,阿豪也想过过手瘾,在没有大妈管家的监视下,努力且真心的想为给南洋国经济出份绵力。当然,南洋岛对大妈人的善行绝对是无任欢迎了,多多益善。




两人也大步的往“你胳膊”前进。阿豪就是阿豪,作风完全就是柜姐的最爱,花不上20分钟就选好了。满脸喜悦的柜姐问说“先生,需要办退税吗?” 你在开玩笑吗,阿豪耶!你以为是阿猫阿狗吗?(其实毛狗也很可爱的)阿豪冷冷的回说“不了。。。” 这时,阿包又一惊,赶紧照顾一下大哥,温情提醒阿豪外地人是可以免税的。“也不才7%,阿豪我是来贡献社会,帮助经济的也。” 柜姐心里咒骂阿包多事,面依然带着笑容说“没关系,先生。如果有雅致,您可以在机场弄;如果嫌麻烦,那就算了。可以吗?我这就去办。” 下一秒柜姐就不见了,别担心,这不是鬼故事,只是柜姐效率好。阿包心存感动,世界上竟然会有这么好的人*乐富油*


阿包握着左心房,随着阿豪离开去吃饭。吃饭时,阿包因惊吓过度,久久不能回神。吃了什么:不详;多少大元:不详;谁买单:不是阿包就对了。你可能会说阿包没见过世面,大惊小怪。是啊,因为阿包身边都是脚踏实地过着朴素生活的人,从来没有看过如此撒手买东西的人。 阿豪确实是阿包的第一个。





Saturday, 8 October 2016

I want a rich papa AND/OR mama!

Yes 兜巴星was born. So what is next? 

Don't doubt, just anticipate and follow the pace of light speed 3 x 10^6 m/s that will bring you the other side of the world... 
Yeah man, we are playing tricks just like what girls like to do, as always. *wink*

There we go... 
Thanks to the merge of superstar Nathan Hartono that gives me this idea. *ting ting*

When every 凡人 is inspired at how well NH can sing like a ABC, how good he can represent his country, how handsome he is like Jay Chou, bla bla bla... 真凡人的想法. 

This is what 兜巴星 thinks instead:
1. WOW that bloody family background! How many of us can have a papa of Managing Director of XXX and a mama of Senior Vice President of YYY? Please try to Google the name of your papa and mama and see what you get. Most importantly let me know ONLY if you find and let's be friend, I beg you...

2. Who can pursuit DREAMS? Everyone! But who can pursuit DREAMS smoothly? Please pray to a rich papa and mama. Yes I must admit that I am so damn jealous... 

3, Compared to gas & oil / banking industry, lifestyle business is now the trend. Inspired by NH's papa and mama, we can dig money out from lifestyle. Despite of starvation and hardship in old times, we are now leading a modern poverty where everyone is leading a boring life and our souls are so empty. Lucky one can get to work 9 to 5; unfortunate one use your labour in return for money. We end up having cash in hand, but we are more lonely than ever. Then it kicks in the need for lifestyle that comfort your hollow soul. *ka ching ka ching ba bling ba bling*

Photo from online: http://www.herworldplus.com

4. Milo, yes free marketing, but 兜巴星 cant help to ask "aint you trying too hard to 沾光"? People simply mentioned about iced Milo and the next minute you sponsor the drink. It makes me wonder what other Nestle products you can offer, more expensive one please. Or maybe by chance you have my fav teh peng? What really makes my jaw drops on the floor and drags for 3 streets far is to see the cheapo long queue for iced Milo. For god sake, you never have Milo before?

5. Hello NH, we have similarity when we use England - China at the same time. Just that your England is better. 

So, 凡人们, do we have alike mind?

Welcome to the family. CLICK follow +1, thank you! 

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Page 1 of 1

兜巴星 is just a civilized star, and maybe more righteousness, plus a little bit of common sense and logic, but that doesn't make 星 a Saint heaven. 
Why? It is not shame to admit we are NOT PERFECT
Sometimes 兜巴星 can make not mistake but mistakes, can have misconceptions and misjudgment too, will follow the mainstream to be part of the cruel... oppss sorry... I mean cool society (ps: NO Pokémon Go for me please). That's okay.
So, if you wanna comment and insult people with whatever you only have which is words, you know what... feel free to do so because words is penniless (that is what 星 is doing right now *wink*) and it doesn't hurt others but yourself. If you don't care, you think 星 will care?
Erhhh.... FYI  兜巴星 is a busy character and not 爱心泛滥 type. Words abuse is never a cool act. IF you cant help to *&^%$#@!#$%^&* humiliate others to gain the sense of satisfaction, gentle reminder is to see physiological doctor after reading this. Don't worry, this phenomenon is getting more and more common to have mental tension in this hectic world. Let's hold hand in hands and we wont judge you. *world peace*
Anyway, being a good-mannered civilian, here to thank you for +1 view.  

Ok enough with formality. Let's roll...

1: What is 兜巴星?
A: Good question, 星 is waiting for you to ask. One pic and that is everything.

* Picture from HK Apple

Q2: Why 兜巴星?
A: In reality, not everyone is granted with this beautiful opportunity to 刮人, or 被刮. Some people have been waiting whole life for the moment like this.  Some will even miss this chance due to lack of courage. So, you are god damn lucky if you have this happened, at least once, either way.

Q3: Isn't you just declared to be civilized one?
A: Yes 兜巴星 did. The focus is more on human, not civilized. 兜巴星 plays its part to be a good civilian. From time to time, external factors like 超级无敌蠢 or 死都没人有的厚脸皮 keep challenging my limit, my wish is to 兜巴星掴死. Of course this is just a 残念. No violence please because we are all civilized. 

Q4: What makes you to start writing?
A: Creating awareness and  upholding the right values in order to restore world peace and harmony. Rubbish! All above are just rubbish and only can be done by Superman/Ironman/Batman/Whatever-man. 兜巴星 is just a super star.

Q5: Who is your idol?
A: 黄子華 aka Dayo Wong.

Q6: What is your philosophy?
Respect, Integrity, Privacy. RIP

Q7: Are you racist?
A: Yes I am. Don't pretend like you are not.

Q8: What other question you have for readers?
A: Are you done with questions...

This is the introduction of a super Star, I don't expect you to see my talent by now and follow me. But don't you regret, really...